Friday, 26 April 2013

Megan's Essential Summer Bargains

Sun, shorts and sunglasses... I think summer is nearly here!
Here in England we've been waiting for this moment through our very long and very cold winter, so lets make the most of long days, warm evenings and the gorgeous sunshine!

In this blog post I'm going to be sharing my essential summer bargains to make summer 2013 the best one yet!

I think it's fair to say that in summer we all try to wear as little make-up as possible to give our skin its well-deserved sunshine glow; so clear, flawless skin would be nice once in a while! For the past month I've been searching for a decent skin product that actually does what it says, and yes, I may have finally found it.
The brand is called T-Zone and it uses the natural scent of tea tree (very beneficial source for pores) to clear your skin and leave it feeling fresh, revived and most importantly, clean. So far I've bought 3 of their products and they are all fabulous for my skin! 

1. My favourite of the 3: Deep Pore Cleansing Cream Wash
Every night, after my shower, I apply this onto dry skin and gently massage everywhere on my face for about 30 seconds. It is amazing and surprisingly quick reacting, as the first day I used this I woke up the next day with practically a new face! (slightly exaggerated!) All my small breakouts had reduced in redness and size dramatically, leaving me to just use a tiny bit of concealer to cover slightly. 
2. Invigorating Cooling Scrub 
Once again, I use this in the evening and apply it onto a wet face and scrub (gently, it's quite rough on skin). You can actually feel it purifying your skin once it's been on for a while which is great because you feel good too.
3. Skin Cleaning Face Moisturiser
I apply this every evening and morning to revive and (obviously) moisturise my face. It's great and I feel so fresh and confident after the application because I know that some moisturisers can just be oily and pretty bad for your skin, but this is one less worry when using any T-Zone product, especially this one.

Another amazing benefit to T-Zone is that it is extremely cheap! £5 for 3 great products is one good bargain if you ask me!

This is the season when your legs are always out, whether you're wearing shorts, a dress or a skirt, so these two items will help you have beautiful legs for any occasion. 

So first of all is the Satin Care shave gel for dry legs, I find this gives me a smooth shave and also prevents moisture loss whilst shaving. So two great reasons to treat yourself and also I bought it for only £1.99, which is another great bargain.
Secondly is the Garnier Nourishing Lotion, which is an amazing moisturiser and it also lasts a lot longer than other body moisturisers that I've used before. This is great for me because I hate moisturising so the little I have to do it, the better to be honest! And finally, like all the others- it was another wonderful bargain- only £1.99! :)

We all need a fruity, happy smell to stay beside us in our bags throughout summer and I think I've found one worthy of this important essential! It's the Impulse Sweet Smile scent which smells fabulous, words can't describe it! Like all of the Impulse range, it's gentle on your skin and makes you happy just with a quick spray of heaven. I got this for £1 and it is amazing for every occasion and by far my new favourite scent by Impulse so far (sorry True Love!) 

So with all these summer treats, I think I'm ready for the sun! For under £10 this set of essentials will make your summer that extra bit more fabulous!

Megan xox

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